Friday, January 9, 2009

Baseball Card Prices Spike 50%!

Summer 1977.

I was a young boy pulling in a weekly allowance of $1 which handily funded my need for baseball cards and candy. There was a local candy shop my brothers and I regularly visited on Saturday mornings to outfit those needs. The Village Barn.

Baseball cards at the time went for 10 cents per pack. I was ten years old and relished the transaction that yielded an even ten packs of cards enriched with a firm plasticesque stick of gum for one meager dollar. The walk home, half mile, opening packs, stuffing gum in my mouth, and reviewing the cards of my baseballing heroes. Really a glorious time.

With much sadness I recall that gloomy Saturday morning I approached the counter clerk with my weekly supply of ten packs and he said so casually, “That’ll be a dollar fifty.” 50% price increase from the week before! I remember struggling with the required downgrade to six packs for $.90 and having an extra 10 cents left over. How hollow this felt. The 10 cents went toward candy, a distant second in preference to the cards. It was a sad walk home. All six packs were opened and perused long before I got there.

My little world seemed a cold harsh place.

1 comment:

  1. Normal gum. Chewy. Pliable. Soft.

    Baseball card gum. Hard. Firm. Would commonly shatter like peanut brittle upon first bite.

    Treat like sausage. Don’t think about how it came to be, just eat it.
    -Joe Morgan
