Thursday, January 8, 2009


Wife Klem and I have two super kids. How super, you query? A snapshot from this week follows for your consideration:

the Girl: Four years old. She was cutting paper this afternoon and accidentally cut her hand. She’s getting quite good at her cutting ability and has shown a surprising proficiency at not cutting the wrong things such as her brother’s homework, the mail, or books. But back to her damaged hand. After much crying and the application of a bandage the bleeding stopped. Two hours later she commented about her injury, “I was scared my bones was going to fall out.” The cut was small but certainly scary for her when she saw the blood. Regardless, I was amused at the image of her skin behaving like a grocery bag with a hole and the contents tumbling out.

the Boy: Seven years old. He came home from school having learned a dice game. Sure, a dice game, you say. This game was shown by his teacher and it’s great.

Game: Roll three dice and write the numbers in descending order. Add a comma after the third number and do this twice more. You then roll the set of three dice thrice more and write this number under the first number. Final step, add the two numbers!


No joke. A dice game that has him doing math and he likes it. He walks around the house with his three dice and a notebook for all his computations. Sounds like his teacher pulled one over on him.

Sure is fun being a parent. Especially since they’ve both been toilet trained.

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