Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Brosnan Joins Us on Vacation

February 2003

The lovely Wife Klem and I were vacationing in Hawaii in 2003. Kauai. We had just checked into our rented condo, dropped off our luggage, and set out for a grocery store. We prefer to eat most meals at home or pack sandwiches as cost effectiveness measures. It was at the grocery store securing supplies we had a brush with celebrity.

Foodland. Produce section. Pierce Brosnan, grocerying with his boy, was casually attired in jeans and a button down Hawaiian shirt (not a silly one, a classier variety of Hawaiian shirt). Seeing him from 15 feet away, “Hey,” I couldn’t help but blurt out without thinking and now feeling like a graceless lummox.

He looked up at me and I pointed to Wife Klem. She was picking produce from the same bin five feet away from this Brosnan when she looked at me to see why I was making a nuisance of myself. As he looked to see where I was pointing, Wife Klem looked to see where I was looking. They made eye contact and exchanged ‘hellos’. Smiling the three of us and the moment was over. We returned to the tasks at hand.

Our grocery bill was $130. Expensive out there in those scenic Sandwich Isles.

We aren’t the type, I guess, to canvass the fella. But should the encounter repeat I would be tempted to approach and say, “Thank you for Matador.” Matador. A silly film of his from 2005 that I enjoyed.

I bid you good day, sir.

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