Sunday, June 21, 2015

Fatherly Advise on a Happy Father’s Day

I have learned much from my dad throughout the years. I’ve been guided on responsibility, family first, and work ethic to name a few. I humbly share with you here some of the gems of wisdom he’s unleashed over the years. Some gems have played a more integral part in my evolution into an adult than others.

[1] On interpersonal Relationships: ‘Treat people the way you want to be treated.’
[2] On the Manly Arts: ‘Measure twice, cut once.’

[3] On snow: ‘Don’t eat the yellow snow.’

[4] On Home repairs: ‘If something’s broken, you should try to fix it. If you can’t, you can still call someone to fix it.’

[5] On buffets: ‘Don’t fill your plate on the salad and bread at the front of the buffet, the good stuff is at the end.’

[6] On how to become a millionaire: ‘Buy a million dollars in real estate, pay off the loan, you’re a millionaire.’

[7] On Spam: ‘If you’re really hungry, Spam tastes damn good.’

[8] On poor behavior: ‘That’s not according to the Royal Code.’

[9] On work ethic: ‘Do what you say you’re going to do.’

[10] On determination: ‘Don’t say that you can’t do something. You say that and you’ll find that you can’t do it.

Dad, thanks for being there every day through all the big stuff and the little stuff.

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