Friday, December 27, 2019

Klem’s Goals for 2020

I understand success is statistically more frequently attained when written down. So, this is what I’ll be up to in 2020.

1)  Improved exercise regimen. The goal is to keep my stomach and back healthy and strong for infrastructure comfort in the coming decades.

2)  Dermatology visit for my face and scalp. I have sun-related skin issues and must treat them seriously. The benefits of the occasional cryotherapy administered by my general practitioner have plateaued. I will seek expert professional attention. 

3)  Have more fun. This is intended to include a combination of day trips, local ventures or any combination of fun-related bits. Maybe even a play, but hopefully not too many.

4)  Colonoscopy! [Does not count in the ‘Have more fun’ category.] My parents have done well aging gracefully and I will proactively do my part to prolong that legacy. I understand a colonoscopy is an important step in that direction.

5)  Make French toast. I’ve never done it but will in 2020, at least one time, with an option to repeat pending the experience of episode one.

6)  Shed a few possessions. This is not intended to be a disavowing of possessions akin to Christ’s Disciples, but a simple paring down. A simplification of life. This may even be the year I part with my collegiate skateboard, unused for nearly 30 years now. 

7)  Engage political conversation with a different intent. I will not try to convince anyone of anything, such plans only excel at getting people agitated. Instead, approach the conversation with questions to confirm an understanding of the other position and follow their line of reasoning. I may disagree with the position, but I want to understand the reasoning.

8)  Learn to play cribbage. There is no qualifier as to attaining a skill level.

9)  Promote a positive attitude in my interactions with others. The kids are growing up and will be independents before long. It’s important to foster the kind of atmosphere that may be rewarded with their future voluntary visitations. A time will come when they no longer need to visit, but hoping they’ll choose to visit.

10)                 Learn some Italian. The Duolingo App on my iPad will be conveniently deployed for this task. Just a smidgeon of learning. You know, for fun.


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