Saturday, December 26, 2020

Klem’s Goals for 2021


As the year of Covid concludes it’s important to keep looking ahead. Here’s my plan for maintaining forward progress into 2021.


1)   Change to a tankless water heater.  Our current 30-gallon water heater is 15 years old. We’re on borrowed time, given the typical life span. The plan is change it before it becomes an emergency, like it was last time.


2)   Have my kneesperused by a professional. These things, both, have been the source of mild unpleasantness for two decades. With an eyeball looking toward the future quality of life, this is the year I seek a professional’s assessment. Can they be improved or is this it?


3)   Finish a draft of Magglio Cervantes, a novel. I’d begun writing it years ago and haven’t touched it in a decade. Would be neat to be able to say that I’ve written a novel. Here we go.


4)   Don’t get Covid.


5)   Wife Klem and I will update the Trust. Our piglets are not infants any longer. Maybe we give the document a once over.


6)   Get poked when the Covid vaccineis made available to me and my family.


7)   Learn to play backgammon. All work and no play makes for a boring fellow. Plus I can’t seem to get the hang of Twitch, so I’d better stick with a game that can be played without a screen. Although, who am I kidding, I’ll learn it by means of an App on a screen.


8)   Make crepes. I dig pancakes quite considerably. Aren’t crepes just very thin pancakes? I bet I’ll like these things, too. Eat ‘em.


-Klem 12/2020

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