Saturday, February 20, 2021

The COVID Chronicle, February 1-15, 2021

February 1 [Monday]

A local agent with whom I work got vaccinated, he and his wife, at the Pomona fairgrounds. This was their first of two shots. It is a drive-through routine where you sit in the car for 15 minutes after the vaccination, to confirm no adverse effects, in which case you’d blink your lights. If none, then you’re free to drive away. They had appointments in advance and said it was very smooth.


February 2 [Tuesday]

Covid. I’m thankful that children have been less susceptible than adults, though they can be carriers. Those who do contract the virus typically have only mild cases. Do children simply lack the Covid receptors? It hasn’t been adequately explained, yet, why or how, but in coming months or years perhaps we’ll find out. 


February 3 [Wednesday]

As we approach the anniversary of the Covid-induced Shelter-In-Place, coming up in March, there’s no victory in simply killing time and existing until regular life returns. All this bonus time gifted through Shelter In Place and the slower-paced social agendas of us non-Essential workers. It is important to be productive rather than being content with its filibuster. When this is all done, what will I be able to say I did with it all? What will I have to show other than having survived? Pending, of course, my eventual and hoped for survival.


February 6 [Saturday]

Safehouse visit [my parents’ house] today with mom, dad and Team Mike. I haven’t seen my  brother and his team since prior to Christmas. I miss him, his bride and the people they made. In speaking with him, sounds like we’re both on an improved state of mental health having given up politics six or more months ago. We’re both experiencing an improved mood boost since the reduction in that inflammatory newsy intake. I still peruse the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, but avoid the Opinion and Politics sections. So much of it lacks transcendent importance. I stick with the Business sections. 

The elders were asked about their progress toward vaccinations. Dad and Uncle Joe have not yet made appointments. They’re also not excited about taking two trips to get vaccinated, the two-shot vaccine routine being staggered a few weeks apart. They sound inclined to wait for the single-shot vaccination which is said to be closing in on approval. Mom holds fast to no intention of carrying through with the vaccine. She’s feisty, but also remains worth battling for. I suggested the elders can either get the vaccines on their own, or, after I’ve gotten my vaccination, my brother, me and a roll of duct tape might drop by to take them for a black ops vaccination field trip. I hope it doesn’t come to that.


February 11 [Thursday]

Another colleague at work had been ravaged with Covid. I hadn’t heard from him in a while, turns out he was down with the virus, a bad case of it. His autistic son, too. He lost 16 pounds while healing in the hospital and got down to 149. His wife was alarmed when he came home, he was such skin and bone. He said rib bones were showing that he’d never seen before. He has since bulked up with a high protein diet and is back to 170. He porked on a few extra pounds at his wife’s request as cushion in case he has to battle Covid again. His doctor said muscle is very nutritious so that’s what his body consumed fighting the virus. He asked about his brain. The brain is possibly the most nutritious part of the human body and he likely lost some brain cells as well. Oh well, he’s back to work and thankful he has people he can rely on when down.


February 13 [Saturday]

I bought a new mask today. I’ve two masks in the rotation, each worn on a weekly basis, plus two bandanas deployed for my daily walks. I lost one of the masks last weekend. Bummed. It was the baseball mask, a print with a bunch of baseballs, so I’m down to my sunflower-print mask. Plus, when it arrives, a nautical-print mask. That’s it. That’s my Covid-face covering update.


February 14 [Sunday]

Mom remains steadfast against the two-shot vaccination routine. In my daily email with her she has suggested that the single-shot vaccine may get her consent. I’m hoping this holds up, a slowly coming around to abide by the vaccine.

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