Thursday, July 30, 2020

The COVID Chronicle, May 16-31, 2020


May 16 [Saturday]

I went for a bicycle ride today and, Holy Toledo, I needed this. It helped to break up the groundhog day repetition [a reference to the Groundhog Day movie starring Bill Murray] and provide a dose of mental relief. A 10-mile round trip through San Dimas to the 99 Cent Store to buy junk food, nonsense and one-gallon bags to be used for EBay shipments. I enjoyed the feeling of liberation and will imbibe more regularly of bicycle rides. Maybe even look for an alternate destination than the discount mart.


May 17 [Sunday] 

[The boy]’s first year at Cal State Fullerton concluded two weeks ago and he’s on summer break! Except only, there really isn’t any summer break because of Shelter In Place. He’s clearly not getting a job this summer, not that it was on his to-do list, and volunteer opportunities with the local parks look to be shut out. So, he knuckled under and decided to take an online summer school course, the History of Rock and Roll. It counts toward his degree and will occupy him three days per week through the end of June. [Get a load, the guy, on the strength of his high school AP classes and the scores he attained on the AP exams is on pace to graduate in two more years! That’s my dad brag.]


May 20 [Wednesday] 

Work had tentatively scheduled ‘strictly virtual’ termination date for the end of May. Today we were told we are ‘strictly virtual’ until further notice! We were also advised that release would not be expected before 4


May 23 [Saturday] 

I visited the Safehouse this morning, widely accepted moniker for my parents’ abode. I hadn’t seen my people in 2.5 months! This is my longest gap in a visual sighting of my people in years. Really, but I still recognized them. Pre-Covid we’re typically at the Safehouse every other week, [my brother’s] team, too, for Sunday supper. But Shelter In Place ended that. March 7 was the last Safehouse supper. 

They’re only 30 miles away and I requested permission from mom if I could come by to say hello today. Granted. We socially distanced, stayed outside and wore masks. I did not enter the home and did not engage any proffered snacks. I did, though, reach into the garage refrigerator for a flavored mineral water. A two-hour visit followed by me getting tacos and a strawberry milkshake at Jack-In-the-Sack for the drive home.

         I’m holed up in San Dimas with the four of us, and I say that affectionately. It’s helpful to have a few people with whom to interact. Mom and dad have only each other. I wanted to be able to provide some variety to their day. I feel sorry for people quarantined by themselves during Covid. That’s got to be a rough challenge mentally toiling with and against only oneself.


May 26 [Tuesday]

I take the first of my solo post-supper walks this evening. It had been me and [my daughter], sometimes Wife Klem joined us in the evenings, but she doesn’t like the heat, my daughter. I want her to get out of the house, plus I like alone-time with my kids. She’s 15 and not yet eligible for [the boy]’s age-eligible opt-out, so we negotiated. If it is 75F or hotter she is not required to walk. Instead, she’ll read for 30 minutes. I’d prefer her to spend time outside, and with me, but I don’t want to engender an upset [monkey] unnecessarily. So we negotiated and we’re both agreeable. I like having [my daughter] out with me, but not if she’s going to be a glum chum.

I take the post-meal walks as my workday decompression. It’s often necessary and I feel much relieved upon my return home. Then, I’m free to conduct my stretching routine, have an evening snack, then glide smoothly into an evening on the patio to email, read and listen to music on Spotify. I’m vastly enjoying my peaceful evenings on the patio!




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