Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Writers Drinking Coffee podcast

I was on my first podcast! The Writers Drinking Coffee podcast graciously had me on, a first-time novelist, to discuss my novel, Magglio Cervantes. [Available on Amazon.] The recording took place on September 28 by means of a Zoom call.

The preceding three weeks, to prepare myself and steady the pre-game nerves, I listened to a bunch of their prior podcast episodes. This allowed me to hear the types of questions posed to their guests. During our morning walks, me and Ghost Dog, I practiced answering those questions. That was my motivational outlet, master the nerves. Or at least contain them.

On the evening of the recording, at 15 minutes before the hour, I was staring at the computer screen discussing with myself if I should click the Join the Meeting link. You know, a courtesy of showing up early, thankful for the opportunity to be interviewed. But I didn't want to appear TOO eager, even though I was, so I decided I would click on eight minutes early, instead. A few minutes of panic would shortly follow.

I clicked the Zoom meeting link at eight minutes before the hour. A window popped up advising that a Zoom update was needed and I could not proceed without it! 'Holy Toledo! How long is the download going to take?! And will a computer Restart be needed?!'

There was no choice, so the download was initiated. It thankfully took only two minutes! But then another window appeared. Installation was now required! Again with the 'Holy Toledo! How long is the installation going to take?! And will a computer Restart be needed?!'

By the grace of Tim Apple, I'm a Mac user, a computer Restart was not needed. I managed to join the Zoom a less gracious two minutes early instead of the desired eight.

"There he is," said one of the hosts, of whom there were three.

I explained the high tension with the required Zoom download and installation. Then rambled on about how "I've listened to so many of your podcasts, that I have a little celebrity awe right now, but I'll try to behave." It would seem undeniable. I'm a goof.

We were on video during the 5-minute introductory preamble. It was suggested that I increase the volume input on my headset, a request to which I amicably complied, followed by instructions on how the podcast was going to go. We then turned off video to conserve bandwidth before recording.

Fifteen seconds before the recording started, I was asked, "Are there any questions you'd like me to ask?"

"Please ask me about the cover."

"Good. I already have some questions. I really like it. . . . And record."

Please click this link to listen to my podcast interview: [click here]

I was very nervous at the start of the podcast, this being my first media junket and all. Some semblance of comfort set in by the second question.

After concluding the recording we returned to video for a brief debrief. I felt almost celebratory at the conclusion. A release of performance anxiety. I also really appreciated the host providing constructive feedback regarding the novel. Appreciative not just because it was saved for when we were off-air, but appreciative because constructive feedback is a gift. It should be embraced when coming from someone who cares enough to share it forward. Constructive feedback is not always easy to offer, but it is important to anyone interested in improving at one's craft.

Thank you to the Writers Drinking Coffee podcast for having me on! I very much appreciate the opportunity and your gracious hosting. 

Please click here for a look at Magglio Cervantes, or to purchase, and Thank you! [click here]

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